Friday, August 1, 2014

August 1st, 2014 I go again! ,My beautiful nails on the previous posts are gone!  I had to file my nails down because they were getting in the way of daily living.

My actual nails are short, but when you do a French Manicure, your nails look long, it is an illusion!

I am now taking care of my Mom full-time and a lot of hands on caring, so the long nails got in the way, so, I filed the nails down...still had the Shellac on them....hate to say this ... but, I removed it the easiest most satisfying way that I knew.  I bit and chewed off the shellac and it led to biting the nails eventifully.

I have been growing the nails out again for about a few weeks, almost enough to get a French Manicure Shellac.  I wanted the nails done yesterday but my manicurist was not available, so I had to wait another day.  If I had to wait too much longer...the nails would of been bitten down again. Lots of stress again.....Stress leads me to biting my nails uncontrollably.

The nails are a bit short, but long enough to do the Shellac, they have to have a little edge on them.

Geezzzzzz.........Look how short the right hand ring finger is!

My nails are shellac and now I have a really good reason to let these pretty nails grow again!

Oh! I am back to my bedtime routine of taking care of my nails. My manicurist recommending trying some cream for bedtime, so I am trying a sample of "Chamomile Spa." It is actually for your heels. Love the smell. The cream is very thick and it does not take much to use on your cuticles and hands.  I wonder what the real price of the I come Google!

So.............My journey begins again.

I had my nails done again with shellac on Aug. 23rd. The shellac that was done earlier in the month did  not last but a week.  It was probably not applied correctly. I thought the procedure was a bit rushed. 

My nails are still growing. Whenever I get to the point of picking at my cuticles or biting,  I make an appointment to get my nails done. I have to remember my nightly nail and hand care before bed. This routine makes my hands and cuticles soft so I do not pick at hands or cuticles. 

The heavy duty cream mentioned above is all used up and I am going back to my favorite hand cream, which is Gold Bond Ultra Ultimate. It is for Softening and has Shea Butter in it. I use this hand cream each night. I apply lots of hand at the cuticle area.

September 2nd Nails.

Look at that ring finger! There is lots of growth from the first picture in August. Just one more month and my nails will be perfect! 

Actually the picture shown is a shellac job done about 1-1/2 weeks ago. I can see the nail growth at the base of the nail.You can also see the shadow of my nail coming through  the "French Tip" at the end of the nail.

The key for me is to keep my hands and cuticles soft and snag free. I am a picker and biter and if my hands are dry and have dried out cuticles, I will pick and bite.

I am doing a lot of researching on nail care and anatomy. Lots of information out there on the internet...Some bad and some good.

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