Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Bitten Fingernails Again!

It all started in July 2017, I had wanted to give my nails a break from the gel application on my nails. But, July ended up being a month of broken and bitten fingernails. 

As a lifelong nail bitter, I found it is very difficult not to bite my nails without a hard nail application on my nails. Once I started biting my nails, it was difficult to stop. I was so ashamed and disgusted with myself for biting my fingernails. 

So, if I want long nails, I now know that I will constantly have nail type hardener on my nails. 

June was when my nails were beautiful. These were the longest nails I have ever grown in my 63 years of my life! June made my record for the longest time my nails have not been bitten off. The nails above are 2 weeks old after the Gel Application,  I can see the new growth at the base of the nail.

The above picture are my nails after the Gel application at the beginning of August.  It will take a good 3 months for my nails to grow out. By Christmas time, my nails will be long and beautiful again.

I am thinking  a lot about long nails...they were so pretty, but the nail salon always told me they were to long and they wanted to cut them. They always wanted to charged extra too...at least five dollars extra. Oh, my family also said my nails were to long also.  I wanted to see how long I could grow my nails before wanting them cut.

I have to be so careful with long nails because it is hard to text. I make lots of mistakes by hitting the wrong key. Also working on yard work or working on projects around the house will require special nail care. So, I would highly recommend short nails for the summer while doing stuff around the house.  I am going  to grow long  nails in tbe winter months when house projects are usually completed. I highly recommend keeping your nails short in the summertime. 

Plan on spending  $55.00 for Gel Application every 4-6 weeks. This is the price that will be needed to having nice nails.

I found a new nail salon and it charges only $40- to get my nails done compared to $55- at the other salon. So, as soon as I use up my gift certicates, I will be going to the new nail salon. I also found out that when I go to the salon, I usually only need a fill and gel. I was being over charged for a complete gel set  instead of a fill and gel.