Friday, October 28, 2016

October 27, 2016

My nails have been growing for 5 months!  I have found a new person to do my nails.  I still have the French Shellac manicure done on my nails   My nails are due for another manicure very soon.

I have let my nails grow pretty long during the last 5 months and I have found that I do not like very long nails. It is difficult to type with long nails, the long nails feel uncomfortable, and it is hard to get cream out of a jar.

This is a picture of my nails weeks ago. If you look close enough at the base of the nail, you will see where the new nail is growing out.

The manicure above is about a month old.

With my new manicure person and place, I have not had any splitting or breaking of my nails. And, I have not bitten my nails!

With my new manicure sessions, I no longer have acetone used on my nails when getting a new manicure.  The nail is sanded off, being careful not to sand the natural nail.

When the new manicure is applied, the nails are sanded to keep the nail the same width as the natural nail. In doing this results having no edges at the base where the new nails are growing out.  Without the big edges on the nails as they grow out, I never pick at the edges.  Without the edges to pick at, the polish stays on and I am not constantly picking, so then, my nails keep on growing.

This is a picture of my last manicure. My nails are shorter and easier to live with. The nails are filed in an oval shape instead of the square nails. The oval nails look pretty on my thumb nail compared to the square nail. 

The French Manicure above, the manicurist used a darker pink for the base polish which I do not like.  I forgot to  tell the manicurist that I wanted the lightest pink to be used. 

Anyway, my nails are beautiful now. I think I have finally stopped biting my nails.